Before we start, let’s understand What is AppManage?

Appmanage is a utility which is available in the bin folder of TRA [/opt/tibco/tra/<version>/bin/] and can be used to extract deployment configurations from the EAR and to deploy EAR in administration domain through the command line. This can also be used to un-deploy, delete the application from the domain.

Why do we need to use AppManage commands?

AppManage commands are useful when we have multiple EAR to deploy/Undeploy in the domain. Also, this command can be used for Exporting all configuration files and EAR from the domain.

Now after explaining basics of Appmanage utility and its usage, let’s proceed with different Appmanage utility commands. You need to run the below commands from TRA bin directory. If you want to run the command from other directories replace ./AppManage in below commands with below one…

/opt/tibco/tra/<version>/bin/AppManage --propFile /opt/tibco/tra/<version>/bin/AppManage.tra
  1. Creating the configuration XML File from an EAR

    ./AppManage -export 
                -out <PATH>/applicationName.xml 
                -ear <PATH>applicationName.ear
  2. Creating the configuration XML File from a deployed application

    ./AppManage -export 
                -out  <PATH>/applicationName.xml 
                -app <FOLDER>/applicationName 
                -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco
  3. Deploy command using ear and config XML

    ./AppManage -deploy 
                -ear <PATH>/applicationName.ear 
                -deployconfig <PATH>/applicationName.xml 
                -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco
  4. UnDeploy Command

    ./AppManage -undeploy 
                -app <FOLDER>/applicationName
                -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco
  5. Deploy command for deploying an application that is in the UnDeployed state

    ./AppManage -deploy 
                -app <FOLDER>/applicationName 
                -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco
  6. Exporting EAR and configuration XML of a deployed application

    ./AppManage -export 
                -out <PATH>/BiItemSubscriber.xml 
                -genEar -ear <PATH>/BiItemSubscriber.ear 
                -app "<FOLDER>/applicationName" 
                -user tibco -pw 'tibco' -domain DOMAIN
  7. Batch exporting configuration and EAR

    ./AppManage -batchExport 
                -domain DOMAIN 
                -user tibco -pw 'tibco' 
                -dir <PATH-TO-SAVE>

    You can remove ‘-noear‘ from the command if you want both EAR and XML.g

  8. AppManage Batch deployment

    ./AppManage -batchDeploy 
                -domain DOMAIN
                -user tibadmin -pw password 
                -dir <PATH-TO-CONGIGURATION-DIR> -nostart

    Read How to perform batch deployment in TIBCO step by step for more details

  9. AppManage Batch un-deploy

    ./AppManage -batchUnDeploy 
                -domain mydomain -user admin -pw admin 
                -dir <PATH>/mybatch
  10. AppManage Delete Command

    AppManage -delete 
              -app <FOLDER>/applicationName -user tibco -pw tibco 
              -domain DOMAIN -force


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