Here we are going to discuss on how to build a TIBCO BUsinessWorks container edition base image and a BW application using this image. Below are the things we will cover in this post

  • Build BWCE Base image
  • Create a simple BW application
  • Deploy the application in a container

How to build a BWCE base image?


To build the base image, first, you need to download TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition runtime (bwce-runtime-<version>.zip). This package is included in Tibco Container Edition which can be download from TIBCO edelivery portal . After installing the contained edition, go to your BWCE_HOME/<version>/docker directory. you can use this location itself to build the base image or you can copy the entire folder (docker) to any location which you prefer.

Now copy bwce-runtime-<version>.zip to BWCE_HOME/<version>/docker/resources/bwce-runtime folder. No need to unzip the file. once this done open your command-line tool and go to BWCE_HOME/<version>/docker directory and run the docker build command as below.

 F:\Cloud\docker>docker build -t tibco/bwce:latest .

If all config and setting are good, you will get an output like below.

F:\Cloud\docker>docker images

So the base image build was successful and now we can use it to build any TIBCO BW application image and run in containers.

How to build a BWCE application from the base image?


Here I am using a very simple BW process which has a timer and log activity.

Export the ear file for this in any directory you prefer. Then create file with name Dockerfile and add the below line to it. Make sure there is no extension in the file name.

FROM tibco/bwce:latest 

ADD sampleProject_1.0.0.ear /

As you can see, we are using the previously built base image and adding the ear file to the same. One this file is created, got to the directory in command-line tool and run the docker build command.

F:\Study\Cloud\sampleProject>docker build -t bwce/simpleapp:1.0.0 .

We are all set to run this application. You can use the docker run command as below.

F:\Study\Cloud\sampleProject>docker run bwce/simpleapp:1.0.0

to see the container details, run the below command

F:\Study\Cloud\sampleProject>docker ps

Hope this helped you to understand how to build a base image and a BW application. This is a very basic one which doesn’t use EMS or DB. To add these functionalities we need to extend the base image with the necessary plugins. We will discuss that in another post.

9 thoughts on “How to build TIBCO BWCE docker base image and a simple application using this image?”
  1. Hello Techieswiki,

    BW_PROFILE is set to ‘default.substvar’
    ./scripts/ line 485: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: No such file or directory
    /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/2.7/bin/bwappnode: 33: exec: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: not found
    when you run below command.
    F:\Study\Cloud\sampleProject>docker run bwce/simpleapp:1.0.0

      1. I am getting below error when validating BWCE application as per your instructions.
        BW_PROFILE is set to ‘default.substvar’
        ./scripts/ line 485: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: No such file or directory
        /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/2.7/bin/bwappnode: 33: exec: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: not found

        1. Look like you didnt copy the bwce-runtime*.zip. Can you make sure bwce-runtime*.zip directory is copied to [path to docker]/docker/resources/bwce-runtime/ This zip file should be present in the directory from where you build the base image. i.e when you run the docker build -t tibco/bwce:latest . command

          1. Yes I copied already [path to docker]/docker/resources/bwce-runtime/ and build the image but still receiving the error as below. I followed all the steps you told in this post..
            Error I received:-
            BW_PROFILE is set to ‘default.substvar’
            ./scripts/ line 485: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: No such file or directory
            /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/2.7/bin/bwappnode: 33: exec: /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java: not found

          2. I am sure there is something wrong. /tmp/tibco.home/tibcojre64/1.8.0/bin/java – this path is inside the bwce-runtime*.zip file which used for to run the application in container. can you check and confirm tibcojre64 folder is exist under tibco.home? I have shared my bwce-runtime 2.6 version in mail. please try with that as well.


  2. Excellent ….! Got the information how to create docker image and build,run verify the logs .
    one small question , do we get the container edition one month free ? if we are not specifying company name those things.

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